
June Heat & Humidity

With the heat and humidity moving in, it’s time to be proactive with the inevitable diseases that come with it.
Powdery Mildew is being seen already.  Read about it and how to prevent it.
Powdery mildew on squash
Tidewater Compost Virginia Beach

Composting Solution!

Nimmo Community Garden has partnered with Tidewater Compost to come up with a solution for all of our compostable refuse from the plots and Giving Garden.

Learn more about it and how to sign up.

About the Garden

Quick links to important information we want to share with renters about how the garden runs and what to look out for.

Nimmo Community Garden

Pests & Disease in the Garden

It’s early June and community plot holders are already reporting powder mildew on squash plants.  Powdery mildew is a common fungal disease …

If you are new to the community garden this year, you may see this intimidating wasp. They have been coming to the …

Cucumbers (Yeah!) Powdery Mildew (Boo!) In the past week my cucumber’s growth has exploded. With the rain we have had, they are …

Updated 6/14/2021 Tomato Wilt disease is popping up in various plots throughout the garden.  With this heat, you may think that a …

These beetles are showing up in the garden and are a big problem. They will eat all the leaves on your plants, …

We are already seeing pests in the garden.  Flea beetles are small and shiny with large rear legs.  Adults are about  1/16″ …


Please join us between 10am - 12pm on Saturday, October 22nd,
for our final Community Plots Work Day of the season.

The purpose of this work day is to clear your plot of any weeds and any plants that are no longer producing from the growing season. Please take home anything not attached in your plot and store it for the winter.

This is perfect timing to get your Winter cover crop planted, allowing it to germinate before the first frost. If you have not been able to coordinate picking the seed from Melody yet, it will be available to pick up and plant during the work day from the Advisory Group members.

If you do not want to plant a cover crop, you will still need to clear and mulch your plot, using organic material like lawn clippings (but not if your lawn is treated for weed control, pests or with inorganic fertilizer), chopped/mulched leaves, newspaper, cardboard and bale straw or pine straw.

Looking forward to seeing you there!

In 2023, The Giving Garden gave away 2,602 pounds of
organic produce to friends in our community.
Valued at $7,937 based on organic produce market price.
This would feed 7,806 people based on 1/3 pound serving per person.

With your prayers and gifts we can grow even more in 2024!

Nimmo Community Garden promotes access to gardening, learning, and integration in the community.


New and experienced gardeners welcome.


Make new friends with simliar interests

Work Hard

Literally see the fruits of your labor!

Nimmo COmmunity Garden


Volunteers make us a success

Help Others

Growing and giving is good for your soul

Health Benefits

Physically and mentally gardening is good for you


a ministry of Nimmo United Methodist Church
Give and it will be given unto you. A good measure, pressed down, shaken together and running over…” Luke 6:38